Rules for the processing of personal data

Updated 12/01/2022

These rules for the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Rules, the Rules for the collection and use of personal data) contain a description of our rules and procedures in relation to personal data, namely, what Personal data we collect from our customers, what we do with it, as well as your rights in relation to Personal Information.

By accessing or using the Services of “Balletdancer” (legal name “Territory +7” LLC), you acknowledge that you have read these rules for the processing of personal data.

These rules for the processing of personal data apply to all information, including personal data within the meaning of applicable law (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Information”), that Territory +7 LLC (hereinafter also referred to as “Balletdancer”) may receive about you during your use of the web -site (hereinafter referred to as the Site) and the services provided by it (hereinafter referred to as the Service), as well as during the execution of any agreements and contracts concluded with you in connection with your use of the Service.

In order to ensure your use of the Site and Services, your Personal Information is collected and used by Territory +7 Limited Liability Company, a legal entity established in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation and registered at: Bolotnikovskaya Street, 43, kv.16, Russia, Moscow, 117209

These privacy practices are not intended to replace the terms of any agreement we have with you or to replace any rights you may have under applicable privacy laws.

If you are located in a territory where your consent is required for the transfer of your Personal Information to another jurisdiction, then by using the Site or Service, you give Balletdancer your express and unequivocal consent to such transfer or storage in another jurisdiction, namely Russia.

Balletdancer has no right to process your Personal Information without sufficient legal grounds. Therefore, Balletdancer will only process your Personal Information if the processing is necessary to fulfill Balletdancer’s contractual obligations to you.

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